Member Referral Scheme

The IIA HK membership has shown good growth over the past few years. To help us expand further our IIA membership base in Hong Kong, we have planned a number of initiatives:

  • Annual dinner & lucky prize draw.
  • Annual IIA HK Conference.
  • Opportunities to network with fellow IA professionals.
  • Other member events being planned by our Social Events Committee.
  • Enhanced technical support activities being arranged by our Professional Development Committee.
  • And much more!

Please pass on the good news. Simply identify a friend, a colleague or ex-colleague, an acquaintance or even a relative and you could earn a notable rebate credit on your membership subscription payments. Not only will you save yourself some money but you could also enrich the life of someone you know by helping them increase their knowledge of the internal audit profession, expand their circle of acquaintances in a similar profession, and enhance their technical expertise.

You can introduce as many people as you like. We are also keen to widen our pool of potential members, so think as broadly as possible – IIA HK is always looking for good people to be members and we have a lot to offer them.
How to refer candidates?
Contact the candidate you want to refer, and obtain his/her permission to refer his/her name for membership.

Forward the candidate's details directly to the IIA HK Administrator at  Alternatively, the candidate can apply for membership with IIA HK directly by following the instructions on the official IIA HK website ( and quote your name in the application letter, referring to this scheme. 
Who is eligible?
All current paid-up members of IIA HK are eligible to receive rebate credits.
Both you and the referred candidate must be fully paid-up members of IIA HK when the rebate credit is due for set-off against your annual membership subscription, normally in April/May each year.

However, we will not give rebate credits for:
- Referred candidates who become members for less than one year.
- No rebate credit would be given to referrals of ex-IIA HK members within 12 months from the end of their last membership period.

What is the rebate credit?
A rebate credit of 20% of the member’s annual subscription amount will be granted for each new member referred under this scheme, without any maximum limit. The annual subscription is normally due for payment in April/May each year. The rebate credit will be utilized against the member’s next due payment of subscription fees until fully utilized.  Any un-utilized credit will be carried forward and set-off against the subscriptions due in future year(s) and will lapse without payment in the event that member withdraws or is removed from the IIA HK’s register of members. 

These rebate credits do not apply to Corporate memberships which enjoy a separate discount.

The IIA HK Board of Governors has sole discretion in deciding whether to award the above rebate credits.